AAA Instructor 
Information Hub

Guest Speakers

The following guest speakers are part of the curriculum and dates are set aside in the course outline.  You may have to adjust the designated date in the course outline to accommodate schedules.  

You are paired with a guest speaker for the following sessions.  Please email the individual you're paired with to make arrangements.  Email addresses for the individuals are generally  You can also look them up on the Aims Employee Directory.
Only Fall & Spring Semesters
  • Peer Coach Planned Visits (5 minute visits from the peer coach listed at the end of the class
Additional Guest Speakers/Tours
  • Peer Coach Classroom Activity Request or 1-1 Session Request:  To request a peer coach to participate in your class, use this form: and to request a peer coach to meet with a student 1-1, use this form
  • Learning Commons (2nd Floor of College Center): Call (970) 339-6541 to reserve the presentation area for an overview of services and/or request a tour.  You can also take your students on a tour yourself.   This is ideal towards the beginning of the semester to familiarize students with the tutoring services, resources and see the possibility of study areas.  
  • Physical Education and Recreation Center (PERC) - Greeley  Campus: Email Anna Sanchez at to reserve one of the classrooms (maximum of 20 students) to hold class onsite  and/or call (970) 339-6295 to schedule a tour of the facility by one of the trainers.  This is ideal during Chapter 6: Prioritize when discussing self care or stress management.  
  • Student Leadership & Development (SLD) Representative:  Email Program Coordinator, Becca Herman at to request that a representative from ASACC (Student Government) or the clubs/organizations visit your class.  This is an effective way to help students understand opportunities for involvement through SLD. 
  • Panel of Current Students: Email Rachel Veretto at if you would like Catalyst students to visit your class and participate on a panel discussion.  You might also ask your former students to participate as well.  This can be an activity with tremendous impact as we know student learning and personal development are enhanced by the presence of a competent peer who has been successful navigating similar academic experiences in categorically different ways than instructors due to power and relationship constraints (Minor, 2007).  Below are questions that students could answer.   
    1. What is your favorite thing about being a student at Aims CC?
    2. What are characteristics of an “A” student at Aims?
    3. What is one piece of advice that you would give a first-semester student to make the most of their time at Aims?
    4. What is your number one study tip?
    5. What has been your favorite class so far at Aims? Why?
    6. Why is seeing an advisor on a regular basis so important?
    7. What resources have you used as a student? Why have they been so helpful?
    8. Looking back on your college career so far are there any mistakes you have made and how would you have gone about it differently?
    9. Why is finding a study partner or group so important? How did you go about doing that?
    10. What events/activities does Aims offer to get students involved?

Note about Arranging Other Guest Speakers
  • Feel free to arrange guest speakers that can speak to the content of the course.  If you plan to bring someone outside of Aims, email Francie Rottini to check beforehand. 
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